Thursday, July 18, 2013

Paris holds the Key.

Oh Paris.  I fell head over heels in love with Paris...of course, after I came to terms that we weren't going to be mugged while wondering around with our suitcases lost for about an hour.  Other than that.  True love.

Honestly, Paris is such an experience.  Everything is just..different.  A little better.  A little more amplified.  A little brighter.  People are more classy.  The language is more gentle.  The food is not as sweet.  The culture is enveloping.  I sincerely loved every minute of Paris (except for the above-mentioned lost part.)

We rode the Metro everywhere, and it was so hilarious seeing all of the Metro stops and their names.  It would go something like this:

"Ok, so we need to go to the Eiffel Tower.  We need to get off at E-coli Military (or Ecole Militaire for those of you that speak French)."

And then the little Metro voice announcing the stops would say:

"Eco Milay"

That is not an exaggeration.  You would tilt your head, look at the map, and hurry off hoping that you were getting off at the right stop.  Half of the word would just be dropped, I guess that's how they pronounce things?  Don't look at me, I can barely speak ten words of Spanish.

This is my reaction when I first saw the Eiffel Tower:
I could not stop smiling.  It was amazing. One of those surreal moments.

I feel like the pictures say it all...

Surreal is how I would explain my time there.  And a little magical.  It's a completely bizarre to be there and see all of these sites that you never actually thought you would and go see, and then all of a sudden you're there.  With all of the other tourists, classy French people, and the little kids on their third grade field trip (most of whom were better dressed then I was).   

Paris was my fave.

xo. Elise

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