Monday, July 15, 2013

A thing with wings.

I had always heard about the long flight to Europe...I mean, traveling across an ocean isn't exactly easy, but I always thought it would be a tad longer.  The actually leg across the ocean (to Dublin, Ireland) was only 6 and half hours.  That's manageable, right? But factor in my one-hour flight to Phoenix, 3 hour flight to Chicago, 6.5 to Dublin, 1 to London, and finally 1.5 to Strasbourg, France, it was a long 36 hours.  You also lose time flying to Europe.  We left on the morning of the 17th and landed in France the afternoon of the 18th.  Not going to lie, I started panicking when I thought of the day lost somewhere crossing the ocean.  It meant one day less in Europe.

On the two short flights we flew the airline Ryanair.  This was one of the most painful experiences I've ever had while traveling.  First off, I was mad about having to check my bag because it didn't fit in their strict regulations.  Second, the inside of their planes were a bright, pukey (yes, that is with a 'y') looking neon yellow.  I wish I was coherent enough to snap a picture...but you know.  The seats didn't move back and there were no tray tables.  I was so exhausted I feel asleep in the frigid ice block of the plane.  However, I was cheerfully awakened by the landing announcement.

(Insert the most annoying, loud, obnoxious trumpet noise you can conjure up).  Welcome to (insert whatever airport/city you just landed in)!  This is yet another on-time flight by Ryanair.  Last year 90% of our flights were on time, the best record for any airline.

Obviously they take their statistics seriously.

But the discomfort was all forgotten when we landed in France.  My cousin kept exclaiming, this is Europe air!  These are Europe water splotches!  This is a Europe road!  It's mind-blowing how much France actually looks like the animated set of Beauty and the Beast.  Seriously, take a second to picture how you think France would look like.....boom.  That is exactly what it does look like.

In Strasbourg there is a gorgeous cathedral.  You walk past a building and babam!  There it is.
This cathedral was my cousin's favorite one was in Metz, France, but really, how can you choose?

xo. Elise

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