Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sometimes dreams come true.

I have yet to write about Dublin.  Oh Dublin.  Dublin was a hoot.  In a slightly ridiculous way.  You know your trip is going to be good when you think that you are going to be riding on a ferry from Wales (yup, found out I had been to Wales this weekend) to Ireland, and it turns out to be a mini-cruise ship.  Seriously, just like my cruise ship to Alaska, just a few floors smaller.  And no pool...that I could tell.

Anyway, we proceed to Dublin and I ask our taxi driver what to do in Dublin.  Keep in mind that I am in the passenger seat, but really the driver seat in the U.S....up there with the driver.  He says all there is to do in Dublin was to get drunk.  I decide to not get into a religious conversation and explain how I don't drink, and I decide to just go with the whole, "Oh, what if your underaged?"  He laughs and states that age doesn't really matter in Ireland.


We pull into Dublin and go to our VRBO. (Vacation rental by owner.)  However, it turns out to be a VRWO+SARAG.  That means: Vacation Rental With Owner plus Son and Random Asian Guy.  Oh, and I think the owner's wife was there too.  I am convinced that the Asian guy slept in the closest under the stairs because there weren't any rooms left in the apartment.  The owner was Boris, or that's what we called him.  The scent of the place was so strong that when I smelled my clothes in Phoenix, Arizona, they still reminded me of Boris and his hospitality.

Dublin was a beautiful city, full of pubs and stone buildings.  We went on a day tour of Wicklow National Park, and that was gorgeous.  Have you seen P.S. I Love You?  If you haven't, you need to.  It's filmed in the park, and it was even more beautiful than what was filmed in the movie.  We did see the bridge that's in that movie, hipster points for us.

But my dreams came true on our last day in Dublin.  A handsome Irish boy waltzed right into my life.  Ha, I wish.  No, instead, I got fancy hot chocolate.

When we were on our day tour, I described to Valon and Camille how I always wished that I could have hot chocolate that had a steamed milk design swirled in it, like you always see the fancy coffee drinks.  That night I even had a dream that I had that type of hot chocolate.

Well, the next day we went and got brunch. And I ordered hot chocolate.
'Nuff said.  Dreams come true.

(And the P.S. I Love You Bridge.  And some random people.  Who knows.)

And there we have it.  A completely ridiculous, superfluous post about hot chocolate with a design in it.  And great scenery.


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